A few months ago, a doctor from Clinic 51 approached me and asked if I would be interested in leading yoga classes at their beautiful clinic. When I visited the barn where Dr. Katie Armstrong and her team of doctors and wellbeing practitioners offer holistic women’s health and menopause services, I immediately felt a connection to the location and their mission. The barn is a welcoming space, and the idea of supporting women with a wide range of holistic therapies resonated with me. I knew I wanted to be a part of it.
Previous generations of women have not had as much support through the various stages of menopause as we have access to now. My mum recalls talking it over with her mum and a few close friends. She had children in her 20’s (which is 10 years earlier than when I had mine). She feels she was at a different stage in her life when she was going through peri menopause and then menopause and maybe didn’t need as much help as women do now. Many of my friends and I still have children at home, we are working and potentially juggling caring for our parents. So the support provided by places such as Clinic 51 is really welcome.
In Chinese and Indian cultures they believe this period of our lives being one which would benefit from us slowing down and actually taking life a bit easier, and yet how many people reach this stage in their lives and want to change career, take on a new challenge or utilise their skills in other ways. It is likely that we will need greater support as we navigate the stages of menopause alongside everything else which is present in our lives.
Taking time for you on the mat for an hour of yoga is always a good idea, especially when you are incorporating yoga into a holistic approach to menopause. Yoga can help provide a moment to reset, to calm the body and mind, and to enable a greater awareness of your body and its needs.
I run regular blocks of yoga classes on a Wednesday evening 7.30-8.30pm at Clinic 51 and I feel fortunate to have such a beautiful space to practice in. The classes are small with often only 6 – 8 people per class and I adapt the session based on the needs of the group. The blocks can be booked directly with Clinic 51, sign up for upcoming classes here.
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